Win Big in Fortnite’s ‘Ship It’ LTM

Fortnite Ship It LTM Drone

In the frosty frenzy of Fortnite’s Winterfest 2023, the ‘Ship It’ Limited Time Mode (LTM) has brought a whole new flavor to the game. It’s not just another battle royale mode; it’s a throw-fest! The unique twist? Your arsenal is exclusively made up of throwable items. That’s right, no guns, no swords – just you and a bunch of stuff to toss at your opponents. In this 600-word guide, we’ll dive into strategies to help you and your squad come out on top in this wild, wacky, and wonderfully throwable world.

Understanding ‘Ship It’ LTM Basics

First things first, let’s understand the playground. ‘Ship It’ LTM features only throwable items, ranging from classic grenades to more quirky options like the infamous boogie bombs. It’s all about precision, timing, and a bit of sneaky tactics. You’re not gunning down enemies; you’re outsmarting them with well-aimed throws.

Inventory Management: Choose Your Throwables Wisely

In ‘Ship It’, your inventory management skills are put to the test. You want a balanced mix of offensive and defensive items. Grenades and clingers are great for direct damage, while boogie bombs can disrupt enemy strategies. Don’t forget about the impulse grenades – they can be a game-changer, either to catapult yourself to safety or to send enemies flying into the storm.

Positioning: High Ground and Stealth

With no long-range weapons, your position on the map is crucial. High ground is your best friend – it gives you a clear view and a gravity-assisted boost to your throws. But don’t just camp at the top of a tower; use the environment to your advantage. Hide behind trees, sneak through bushes, and always keep moving.

Timing and Precision: The Art of the Throw

In ‘Ship It’, throwing items isn’t just about spamming the fire button. Timing is everything. Wait for the perfect moment when enemies are clustered together or trapped in a tight spot. Practice your aim – a well-placed grenade can be more devastating than a sniper shot in this mode.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

This mode is all about squad play. Communication with your team is key. Coordinate your throws, ambush opponents, and plan your moves together. Assign roles if necessary – one of you can focus on offense, while others handle defense or scouting.

Adapting to the Chaos

Things can get pretty chaotic in ‘Ship It’. You need to be ready to adapt on the fly. If a plan goes awry, don’t panic. Regroup, rethink, and re-engage. And remember, sometimes the best offense is a good defense. If the situation looks dicey, use your impulse grenades to make a strategic retreat.

The Element of Surprise

In a mode where everyone is throwing stuff, the element of surprise is your greatest weapon. Ambushes are incredibly effective in ‘Ship It’. Hide out of sight, wait for the right moment, and then unleash a hail of throwables on unsuspecting enemies.

Endgame Strategies: Last Squad Standing

As the circle closes in, things get intense. This is where your earlier scouting and positioning pay off. Keep the high ground, or if that’s not possible, find a spot where you have a clear view of the shrinking zone. Keep your throwables ready, and watch out for enemy ambushes.


Winning in ‘Ship It’ LTM is about more than just throwing stuff around. It requires strategy, teamwork, and a whole lot of fun. Embrace the chaos, experiment with different tactics, and most importantly, enjoy the unique experience that this mode offers.

So grab those grenades, team up with your squad, and get ready to throw your way to victory in one of Fortnite’s most entertaining modes yet!